Mura of Shinobi
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The shadows cross the demons

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The shadows cross the demons Empty The shadows cross the demons

Post by Guest Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:15 am

The water, clear as day, at this point anyway. Roughly thirty yards down stream, the water feverishly broke apart in a rage of rapids, tearing at rocks that held fast against the storm, and then falling through the air as the cliff cut off at a point fifty yards past the rapids start. This was the nature of the river as it flowed into something greater below, a large, almost lake. It was better described as a vast river that pooled together here at this spot as it changed from north to south and went east and west instead, forming with another, more powerful river than the one above.

A hand cascaded down and broke the surface of the not yet violent water, cupping it, and lifting a portion away from is cohesive movement. Through the air and into the lips of a man who seemed as peaceful inside as the water he had retrieved, but was in fact as dangerous as the rapids that led to the falling and the other river. The water wet the lips, making them moist once more and replenishing the mans spirits. A fresh drink straight from the river was always the best. People were so afraid of disease, they would even tamper with water, the very thing that provided them with life and all its eccentricities to prevent it. He had a word for those people.


He stood tall, at roughly 5' 10'', not muscular, but not thin either. He was toned, as his upper body was splayed for the world, only covered by a net shirt, just so he could say that he was in fact wearing clothing, but nothing that would slow him down, no unneeded weight. There was not an ounce of fat on his body, aside from what was needed for a healthy survival. He weighed a mere 150, but that wasnt to be mistaken for a weakness. It in fact provided him with one of his greatest edges. His dark hair fell against the side of his face, as the white tuft did in front across his brow. Across his back was a sword, that looked to be solid metal, but held its secrets. His legs were fully concealed by black gi, and boots that bore a red stripe down their front. Across his waist lay a belt with a few odds and ends, most for battle should it arise, but a few for other occasions. His arms were wrapped in bandages, seemingly injured to some extent. The bandages only reached three quarters of the way to his elbow before being tied off and the skin remaining untouched.

He scanned the landscape quickly. It was chilled, but not cold, perfect weather in fact, for the sun shone brightly, and this was the source of the contradicting warmth as he realized it was a breeze that created the welcome chill. To the west he saw a vast array of mountains, all peaking up from the horizon to meet the sky, but never quite getting far enough. To sad.

Behind him was a forest of the most magnificent trees he had ever come across. They were not overly large, but were beautiful, the leaves a rich green, well catered to by natures hand, as was the grass at his feet. A few trees stood alone outside the forest, but they were just as well off, standing tall and looking stronger as these held a sense of individuality. At least thats how Senkou saw it. To the front was a set of hills. Odd how the trees would only grow on the side that the statue of the Senju clan master stood, monstrous to say the least. And the side with Madara Uchiha, just like the mans heart.

This was to be a fine day.


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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Hatake Tane Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:50 am

A small black flash pushed through the large trees of Konoha, obviously in a hurry to some place. The image never stood still, even has it hit branch after branch, making his way through the forest with splendid agility and speed. Rising up higher to the canopy of the trees, the leafy green horizon began to move about, as if a trail was being made through the top of the trees, signaling the coming of something. The image attached to one tree, bending forward as his face suddenly appeared. Kenshi stood at top a massive tree, not too far from the Valley of the End. Out on patrol, he decided to take the route quickest towards the Valley, to check up on the border status between Konohagakure and Otogakure, which was a good jog away from home. Taking a deep breath before continuing on, he re-adjusted the odd weapon on his back and continued on, jumping high into the air.

He would have to travel on foot, the trees were getting thinner as he appeared behind the head of Madara Uchiha. With some odd fifty meters to go, Kenshi hit the ground hard, pushing out debris around his feet as he began to run on, letting his arms hang behind him as he continued on his dash out to the border patrol. His feet made little sound as the grass began to recede as he got closer, now running on pure cold and solid rock. It's symbolism to the statue he was behind was uncanny. He kept trekking on as he ran through a flock of crows pecking away at bugs and seeds on the ground, sending them flying in fear of being trampled on.

He knew that going so far away from the village would be dangerous, there weren't a lot of people there strong enough to keep up with the recent threats. Though he held no judgment over any man, he knew that they would simply need his help if the S Ranked arrived, the one that was after the lives of the Nara clan. The patrol around the village was thick, but he was S Rank, his powers would get him inside the village and even if he fought shinobi, he was strong enough to leave with Konoha blood spilled on his hands. He had to be there to stop that, no matter the cost. He had his missions, his errands to do, and he hoped that he would be back quickly within the heart of Konoha, to protect it no matter what. Almost about halfway to the statue, he took a sharp left, veering in a cloud of dust away from the statues. Kenshi knew he was at the tactical disadvantage already, he was on the wrong side of the river and had no way to hide if anything were to attack him. His mind began to quickly jump around about battles, tactics, jutsu and the such. He shook his head, trying to get rid of the thoughts, to clear his mind and focus on his running.

But to his surprise he must have been thinking it for a reason. He continued on about seventy meters along the side of the river. Catching the glimpse of a stranger in the corner of his eye he continued on without warning, coming directly across from the stranger. It was probably the same ol' fisherman that he'd seen out here, catching the fish that would come too close to the water fall and were doomed to fall down on the other side. Kenshi's feet floored towards the ground as the soft dirt made two trenches as he stopped his running. He stood there for a second and wondered what was this feeling he had. That person wasn't the old man that he was thinking about. His Sharingan turned on as he turned his head towards the other side of the river, eying the person in the face. The same face that he'd seen about a couple of hours ago in the bingo book. He stared at him for an odd second and bent in his stance. They could exchange words during the fight. Kenshi took the initiative and payed attention to him, trying to remember what little he knew about the man. Pushing his right arm down towards the shuriken patch on his thigh, Kenshi released about three shuriken towards the man, grunting as he put a little power behind the throw. Strapped with three weapons, his 'Crocodile', his black katana and his hidden sword he felt safe in his abilities. But he knew he was risking his life already by just making the first move.
Hatake Tane
Hatake Tane
Konoha Chunnin
Konoha Chunnin

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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Guest Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:34 pm

A new aura appeared in Senkous mind, he could simply feel the pr essence of another, and that it was of a decent measure. It seemed a little far off still, and to the south, past the waterfall, coming from Konoha. No doubt some jounin, but it seemed that who ever it was not just any old jounin, but one with a rather high amount of training under his belt, and a fighting spirit. Senkou had not been anticipating battle yet and had been hoping to take it easy until he got to Konoha to extract his revenge. Etiher this was just a very poorly bought coincidence, or the Leaf had been tracking him and knew that he would be coming soon. Of course it could be both. He had no doubt this ninja had not been looking for him to hard as he raced up the side of Madara and down the river, almost right past him.

Then suddenly he switched his footing and turned towards Senkou, quickly initiating a confrontation with three simple shuriken across the river, all aimed at vitals, but nothing more than a manner to start the battle fast. He had been recognized and certainly the only option was to dispose of this man and continue on his way, he could not be captured, or allow the man to live. Death was his only option now, of course, this may turn out harder than he had anticipated.

When the many threw his weapons, Senkou caught the slightest glimpse of the ninjas eyes, how blood red they were, disgusting demons the Uchiha were, but at least they did not slack off as his clan did. They however did cross into the other bounds of his hate. Those who hold to much power for their own good. He was certain that the only reason the Uchiha were so great were their eyes. They were not geniuses, just men gifted by gods. He in fact though, was a genius. The most formidable Nara to have ever been born. He was anything but a slouch, and his mind and body were at its peak. Maybe ten years down the road this Uchiha stood a chance, but not this day, not this time.

Senkou quickly took note of the sun positioning, which was behind him, as it was roughly 4 o clock in the day, and the sun always sets in the west. This certainly played to his advantage. As the shuriken neared him he raised his left hand and pointed his index middle and thumb fingers up, folding the thumb in so it rested on his palm. The other two curled down tips meeting his soft hand flesh. The shuriken were less then five feet away now.

Senkou smirked as his shadow lengthened by a completely unnoticeable amount, and the shuriken stopped in the air, shadow possession a success, not that it had been a challenge. Nor had this tactic and waste of small chakra been necessary, but he wished to show off to the Uchiha, as their clan needed to be shamed. He dropped his hand and the shuriken dropped, as did the length of his shadow, returning to normal size.

He drew his sword and swiped it down in front of him, letting it cut through the grass and dirt, among other things, before him. He then flipped it around and sheathed it once more. No doubt the move seemed pointless, but it held its purpose.

Its rude to engage combat with out even exchanging names.


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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Hatake Tane Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:56 pm

Kenshi's brown turned up in frustration at the shuriken that had stopped in mid air. How exactly had this man done that? He obviously had used some type of chakra, unless he was using the half handsign to restore it. He knew that it had to be a technique though, any genin from Konoha could see that much. The problem was figuring it out. He had the mental capacity to, he had the raw talent also, but Kenshi had to admit that he was stumped. For as second he blinked sharply, trying to remember the moment when he was reading in the bingo books about the stranger. All he could remember was his face, he couldn't even remember his name, his age, or any of his abilities. Cursing himself for skimming, Kenshi tried to put things together has he listened to the shinobi, opening his eyes up at the battlefield.

Kenshi spoke as he reached for a couple more shuriken, trying to figure out what was going up. His mind began to iginte in a flurry of thoughts, trying to think clearly. "Names? I'm sorry but I don't remember much except your face from the bingo book. Fighting morals... I don't heed to them much, just as much as you don't seem to heed to moral ones about others lives..." 'Whatever it is, I have no information on it. But I do know it works in a range, the shuriken managed to get close and then they suddenly stopped. If he can stop shurkien that small, that would be no ordinary feat. Let's see if it's numbers that matters, or what matters in general, either way I'll figure this out....Before he gets close to me with his jutsu' Kenshi reached for his shuriken and grabbed the lot of them. There were about 10 in his hand, all ready and poised to throw. Kenshi's image shifted as he moved back and forth, in a sort of juke move. He quickly took to running to his left, releasing a barge of shuriken that were curving in on his opponent's right side. Kenshi turned around and did the same thing on his right side, throwing the shuriken that curved around to his opponent's left. "Kenshi Uchiha"

With a couple of seconds left before impact, Kenshi would have to figure out a way to think through his opponent's technique. He had a lot on his mind right now, but the primary was getting rid of a threat to his village, and secondarily the threat on his life. He couldn't get close in taijutsu just yet, not if shinobi had the ability to stop thrown tools in mid air. He would have to play the waiting game, to see which would be the best option for him to take. Keeping his Sharingan focused on the man, he wondered if his technique would show again. His Sharingan didn't help much in this situation but to show the chakra flow and the location of the person, so whatever technique the man possessed, it had turned his superior sight to nothing but a great looking view of his opponent.
Hatake Tane
Hatake Tane
Konoha Chunnin
Konoha Chunnin

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Join date : 2009-07-14
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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Guest Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:21 pm

Senkou took in the man's response and laughed to himself, out loud he chuckled.

I only wish the death of those who fore go the gifts the gods gave them, and those who take the gifts that god gave them and let them lead them into arrogance and bullheadedness.

But it seemed that the man had not waited for his response at all, and instead flew right into another string of shuriken, this time with five coming from either direction, left and right, curving to get the proffered trajectory. This was an awfully odd manuever, as it was plain that shuriken were not going to be effective against him. Though the man was deffinitely not dumb. It was pretty obvious when you thought about it. He's testing the technique to see what it is. My shadow moved so slightly that he didnt even notice, not even with his sharingan acitvated. Now he wants to know how I did it. Should I let him know, I suppose he did tell me his name, and when he hears my name he will know instantly what I did. Hmmm, to be fair, I shall reveal myself.

Kenshi Uchiha

Oh ho, he had hit the jack pot. Kenshi was the supposed leader of the whole Uchiha clan at the current point in time. Senkou had kept up his intelligence on the Leaf, as attacking it with out knowing what had changed in his abstinence would have been suicide. This was quite a treat. Not only did he now have the oppurtunity to take out an Uchiha as he had always wanted to do, but he was even being able to destroy their greatest and most powerful. He surely was blessed by the gods, it was a pity that he was the only Nara who saw that in himself.

Nara Senkou, A pleasure.

The cat was out now, and surely Kenshi knew that he had used his shadow to stop the throwing weapons at this point, which made the last method he used useless, of testing his ability, as Senkou had just lain it out on the table for him. There was no need to waste the chakra, even though itd be minute, to stop the Shuriken like he had last time. No, he was done showing off for now. Instead, he would use one of the simplest methods there were. The easiest way to not get hit by something was to not be there in the first place, and the distance across the river was enough to leap back before the shuriken colided with each other where he stood a moment ago. He timed it so that he barely dodged, and then made it look like he was shocked and had almost been hit, just to toy with the Uchiha and make him think he was weaker than he was. A look of shock registered on his face.

Your fast.

Though his speed was nothing of incredible nature of course. He knew for a fact that it mattered not, for Kenshi would have to use long range attacks if he wanted a chance at not getting killed, and long range was easier to avoid and counter do the longer time before it got to where it could cause you damage. Senkou withdrew three kunai with tags on them, one he threw towards Kenshi in an arc, that landed short and nailed the ground between the Uchiha and the river, sticking into the ground. Then he threw one to the side and it hit a tree, and then the other way in another tree. Senkou leaped back again till he was 10 meters from the bank. The tree to the left was 5 meters to the left, and the tree to the right six.

He looked around, anxiously, at the moment he looked like he had no clue what he was doing.


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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Hatake Tane Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:09 pm

The kunai hit their marks all around him yet Kenshi had no idea what he was doing. This shinobi was as S Rank and there was no way that he would be fighting like this normally. He had to be playing around with Kenshi, or setting something up with some kind of method to attack him with. Whatever it was, he couldn't fall for it so soon in the battle. Bending low into the ground, Kenshi pushed his legs up, shooting up the tree tops into the sky. For a jump it was pretty high, but it also gave room for Kenshi to look down at where his opponent had placed the explosive tags. They hadn't gone off yet so naturally he expected his opponent to be up to something. Whatever it was he didn't want to stick around and see.

Changing his position, he landed about 20 meters away from his original spot, towards his left. His feet splashed up against the water as he landed in the river, standing amongst the current of it. With the name "Nara" Kenshi knew that getting close would not be that easy. Of course the Nara had their limits, but the Kage Mane was not something that he would have too much fun with. Not wanting the battle to continue with just tools flying back and forth, Kenshi put his hands together and formed handsigns the moment he landed. Tiger, Hare, Monkey, Dog, Rat, Tiger, Bird, Dog. With a quick move from each handsign to the next, Kenshi opened his mouth towards his opponent and jumped in the air, releasing a torrent of burning needs from his mouth. With several of this whizzing down at his opponent, he would be forced to make a move. While in mid air, he used a little bit of time to think, grabbing at the hilt of his sword to prepare his next move.

'So he's a Nara.... Shadow Manipulation fits. There's not much I know, but I do know that after a while the jutsu gets weaker and weaker and if you have enough physical strength you can make it strenious for the person casting the jutsu on you. The sun is at his natural advantage right now, so if he takes this into the forest then he's going to be at the total advantage. If anything I need to get him on this side of the river, or in the water down at the base of the waterfall... His shadows won't help if I'm under water, it'd be too dark'
Hatake Tane
Hatake Tane
Konoha Chunnin
Konoha Chunnin

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Join date : 2009-07-14
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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Guest Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:28 am

Kenshi made his move at last, tailoring to Senkous right, the opponents left, approximately twenty meters, and for now, was safe. Then he decided to charge into the center of the river, which was perfect for him at this current moment. Kenshi knew he was Nara, and therefore was going to keep his distance and stay away from his kage mane jutsu. This was the ploy he had been intending all along. Right now he was sure that Kenshi felt safe and would not be expecting the next movement, because he had purposely saved a step for this exact moment. He of course hadn't expected him to go all the way out in the water, which would make all the more effective right here at this time. The opponenet thought that just because this was the begining, it would not provide ultimate danger that fast, after all, no big moves had been made as of yet. What he didnt know, was that Senkou was all about the simple, the most ridiculously basic of manuevers to set off the big bang. So far he had made all the moves he needed, and he was confident that this Uchiha was done, unless he could amaze him further still.

Kenshi at this point in the game, opened his mouth and set loose a flurry of needles, He had been expecting a long range attack of some sort in this manner, and it was at the exact moment that when Kenshis mouth opened and the projectiles began to fly, that his vision was obscured, if for only a moment. It was at this point, that Senkou dropped the final tag down onto the ground and it landed on his shadow, but it did not stick in the dirt, instead part of the shadow rose up and gripped it in a hand, and then formed a perfect ball around it, then lowered, a large lump with in.

Senkou made a single hand sign like he had earlier, and the shadow did something that was unheard of amongst his clan, the shadow separated from his body, completely, and headed towards the river. In mere instances, it reappeared on the other side, being able to move swiftly in the water, as it was almost fluid itself. It continued on for about 5 meters away from the land and then turned, going 10 meters past Kenshi to Senkous right, the opponents left. The shadow opened again, this time impaling the ground the tag floating in the wind lightly as the one that Senkou had thrown earlier.

Its job done, the shadow headed back towards the river.

While this was going on, Kenshi's attack was easy enough for Senkou to take care of. He drew his sword and began to move backwards and blocking at the same time. It gave him the edge, and also got him out of the way of his next attack. He stopped at ten meters behind where he stood earlier, the attack was fast and he had to move quickly, but he pulled it off. His shadow then reappeared and began moving back toawrds him. Senkou continued to remain still as the needles continued to fly, and when the shadow was about 8 meters away from the shore, it was time.

At this point, Senkou one last time moved, stepping aside, and noticing that Kenshi was close to the waters surface again, his jump virtually over. From where he stood he calculated he was three inches from touching the surface once more. Senkou made a unique handsign, making what looked like a childern drawn, pentagon style house with his forefingers and thumbs. The symbol on the tags all began to glow and if you looked closely, it was certainly not the sigil for an explosive tag. As it was, Kenshi was close enough to the center of all 4 kunai and their tags, and it would work.

Dramatic Pull of Suffering

The tags all at this point floated straight up, no longer flapping around, but stiff as a board. Each one had the symbol for "pull" on it, and that is what there purpose was. From each of these tags would come a forceful pull on anything with in the boundary, pulling it four directions, and ripping it apart as horses do in the drawing and quartering, medieval style punishment. It had been no easy task obtaining this jutsu, his search carrying him far, but he was very glad he had taken the time, for this could possibly decide the match here and now.

Would the Uchiha have a trick up his sleeve?
Name: Shadow Breaking
Rank: C
Description:To perform the technique Senkou will first form the needed handseal to extend his shadow. Then it will litterally break from his body and move along the ground away from him. He can also break off only minute parts of his shadow. This is an extremely advanced art of Nara that few know about and even fewer use.

Name of Jutsu: Dramatic Pull of Suffering
Rank: B
Range: Close
Type of Jutsu: Fuinjutsu
Users: -
Element Affinity: -

Description: This requires either three people, in which it can be used instantly, or the use of paper, which would require set up to use. The seal has to be used in a a set of three or four, no less. They must be spread out from each other in either a triangular or polygonal fashion. When the seal is activated after it has been made, anything caught with in this triangle/polygon will be pulled by equal force from each of the seals, causing a conflicting of forces, and the ripping apart of anything that is with in it. Much like the drawing and quartering usage of horses.


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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Hatake Tane Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:18 pm

It hadn't been but a few minutes into the battle and Kenshi was already in a tight spot. He couldn't believe that his opponent had pushed him into a corner this fast, but the evidence of the fact was that he was. Kenshi's needles had done nothing, easily dodged by his opponent as if it were a mere training exercise. Kenshi's brow tightened in frustration as he began to fall back towards earth, with every lingering second becoming more and more important than the last. The tagged kunai from before, the odd ones which seemed a bit weird were now his current predicament. His opponent had quickly taken advantage of the battle by faking Kenshi out. Usually an exchange of kunai was pretty normal, a way to spark tension between two shinobi. Paying for his mistake, Kenshi would fall to his demise if he didn't act quickly. Turning his head around to the lit explosive notes as he fell, Kenshi could see minor debris pull from the center of the trap, then pull outwards in four directions. Surprise filled his head as he realized that he was only just a few feet from making that mistake. There was several things he could do, but as he narrowed down his wishes for the jutsu he only could come up with one real solution.

Focusing his energy into his hands, Kenshi sent a rush of muscle contractions towards his wrists and his fingers in a flurry of movement. His opponent would only see Kenshi's hands flex and then relax, which was proof that he would be surprised. A small spark of fire erupted from his feet as he was about to hit the ground, roasting the cracked rock that he had been standing on. The fire quickly condensed itself near the soles of his shoes and grew, giving Kenshi a good enough propulsion straight up into the air. However, he still had to fight against the pull of the technique. Using a great deal of speed, he put his hands together this time, visible to his opponents eyes as handsigns hazily flexed from one to the next in a blinding pattern of movements. Tiger, Snake, Rabbit, Ox, Tiger, Ram, Hare, Monkey Tiger, Rat, Snake, Tiger, Ram and finally tiger. Extending his legs outward in a mid-air split, Kenshi pushed his head down almost between his legs as he let out a massive fire technique. 'Goukakyuu no Jutsu!'

A huge wave of dark red fire burst from Kenshi's mouth, making contact with the water as the dense chakra caused it to push back under it's pressure. The water was now out of the way as the technique began to pull at it, opening up the bare earth The cracks from the ground spread out a few meters before trickling to a halt, letting the fire broil over them as the pool of fire engulfed a 25 meter radius burning debris, paper, and changing the density of even some metals. Most of the technique had been eaten up by the water making a layer of mist between Kenshi and his opponent. Kenshi twisted his torso, spinning his body as he brought his legs together into a close. Using the momentum from the spin he turned around in a corkscrew behind the mist field, nothing but a few burning lights behind water. The mist had disrupted the flow of his jutsu but Kenshi had accomplished what he'd wanted. With a shiny layer of dirt near the kunai and on the river bed, Kenshi could finish his technique. He felt a natrual attraction towards the kunai behind him, which had been the reason why he'd directed himself towards the far corner, now on land as the mist began to grow more and more from the water and hot ground. A rip of paper was heard and a kunai whizzed out of the mist cloud, with a shuriken following it, with tears of paper on it. Now the pull he'd once felt was gone, or at least he hoped it wouldn't come back. The mist began to grow now, more and more as it pushed it's way towards to his opponent, trying to envelop him within it's hazy grasp.
Hatake Tane
Hatake Tane
Konoha Chunnin
Konoha Chunnin

Posts : 1615
Join date : 2009-07-14
Location : With Sally

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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Guest Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:01 pm

The shadow creeping across the ground finally reattached to its owner, Senkou feeling whole again as it met with his feet. His eyes fluttered shut in satisfaction, and just as quickly opened again. To his amazement, the opposition was in the midst of fighting off the attack. Kenshi had just enough time to fire off one technique before the pull got too terribly strong. He was lucky that the tags were so far apart, otherwise the strength would have intensified faster, and it would have been to complex and taken to long. He would have been dead. A slight error. He thought it over in his head and decided that getting him in the technique that quickly had been a mistake on his part. He should have taken his time with this one and made it more compact, making the technique stronger. It had been effective to some degree, being that it had activated. Certainly Kenshi's muscles would be on fire for the next ten minutes at least from the strain they would have had to go through to fight the pull as it was, and complete his technique, which fired off now. A fire jutsu, powerful enough to heat the water and evaporate it, creating a fog in the air.

Senkou heard the earth crack and felt his chakras die out in the four corners of his trap. That part was over, and now he was faced with this massive cloud of pure water in front of him, billowing around in the wind. He smirked, concealment, honestly, that was an old ploy, one that would hardly work on him. Then he saw the true nature. The mist was growing towards him steadily at a ridiculous pace actually when you looked closer.

He means to envelope me in the mist, probably to block the sun from me and eliminate my shadow. A clever move, but certainly not all encompassing.

The mist began to flow around him, and as expected, the sun became nothing more than a dim sphere in the sky, and eventually gone, and with it, went his shadow.

Change of Body Stance

Using body replacement on one of the rocks in the center of the river that his shadow had told him was there, of a decent size, nearly a boulder. He had been planing on using it later, but now sufficed, especially given its location.

Senkou was now on the otherside of Kenshi by a mere 2 meters, facing the point he had just left. The mist existed here, but was no where near as dense as it had been. He could see Kenshi clearly, who certainly had no clue there was someone behind him at the current moment, he hadnt even made a splash. It was time to reveal the earliest move he had made in the game.



Senkou smiled as he raised one arm in the same fashion he had in the beginning, showing his manipulation of shadows. A veil of shadow rose up from the sheath across his back, wrapping around the hilt of the blade, amd finally up the air, stretching up past his head.

Shadow Sewing Senbon

The floating aura of shadow attached to the sword suddenly began to morph above his head. Suddenly, seven tendrils shot out simultaneous, all reaching to impale the Uchiha before him. He had kept just that little piece of shadow in his holster for this exact purpose. Since it was so small, and it was in darkness with in the cloth, it took no chakra to sustain. To use it would require chakra of course, but so long as that piece remained in his holster, he had shadow. The Uchiha was slowly going to realize that as the battle progressed, Senkou only got more and more serious. Each move he made was meant to kill, or set up for the next move to kill. He was not one to fuck around. None found mercy at his feet. He was unforgiving and ruthless, a warrior with the true heart of a shinobi. He was second to none, because that was the path he had chosen.


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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Hatake Tane Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:40 am

Under the cover of the mist, Kenshi lost a great deal sight as the haze of his own chakras blocked his eyes. His opponent was now under the cover of it too which Kenshi hoped would prove greater in the long run. By not knowing much about his opponent he had assumed that he would also use the mist to take a quick break and recover also. Straddled with a bit of chakra exhaustion, Kenshi kept his eyes focused on Senkou, wondering exactly what he was up to. The Nara clansmen must have had trouble keeping him at bay when it came to fighting, Kenshi was easily getting the notion that he wanted to kill as soon as possible. Every move that he'd launched against Kenshi was undoubtedly a move that could cause an imminent death if his guard had been lowered slightly. Being S Rank also, he couldn't fall for any tricks or attacks that his opponent threw at him, knowing that it would spell death.

His Sharingan allowed him to see a large chakra glow in the distance, his opponent of course. Keeping his focus entirely on that area and the area around him, he prepped his attack by placing his right hand firmly on the hilt of his black katana. In a moments notice he would unsheathe it if necessary. Inaudible words were spoken as a murmur hit the ears of Kenshi, the hidden mist had deafened the sounds of Senkou's voice. Instead of trying to make out the words spoken, Kenshi's reflexes went to play and tightened up to make a quick move if needed. Within the fraction of that second, the chakra had disappeared form his opponent's line of sight which tipped Kenshi off that Senkou was making his attack. His eyes rolled left and right several times in his head before he realized his opponent was not in his line of sight and would be in the best place to make his attack.

Behind him he felt a presence manifest and chakra prepare for an attack which already seemed to be in motion. The words this time were clear and whatever they meant, it would ultimately try and spell death for Kenshi within the second. Confusion filled his senses and his logical thought process as he realized that he had been blindsided by his own technique. Whatever the attack was, it was too quick for him to react to and he had no idea if he would walk straight into another attack the moment he moved. The only viable option left was the performance of a rudimentary jutsu used in the Academy. It had been frowned upon by many shinobi of the upper-rankings, but Kenshi had it in his arsenal for a reason. It was to be used. Focusing his one hand into a half Ram sign, a light wisp of embarrassing words escaped from his mouth. "Kawarimi no Jutsu". The attack hit instantly and the many snapping sounds that escaped from the mist almost proved the technique fatal. However, Kenshi was now positioned outside of the mist, with his opponent at the disadvantage due to the Kawarimi. It was now his turn to attack.

Kenshi's hands instantly closed together as several patterns began to appear, using his interlocking fingers to create handsigns. A bit exhausted from his double Katon technique, Kenshi felt a good break was needed now that the opponent had the blindside. The mist began to shift and change as the technique was completed, with Kenshi landing on the dog handsign lastly. Since he had no good source of water to use, the jutsu would use the bits of mist that surrounded his opponent for this attack. Kenshi was at his opponent's left, about ten meters away from him. Speaking out the jutsu as a warning to his opponent, Kenshi jumped in the air at the same time to cross the river as the chakra manifested into the dangerous technique. "Baku Suishouha!!!" Landing on the other side of the river with his mouth pointed towards the mist, Kenshi released a enormous torrent of water at Senkou. Kenshi faded as the technique began to envelop himself also, hiding him within the water. The rising torrent of water was at least 20 meters wide and 10 or so meters high. The mini tsunami began to tower over Senkou as the mist was caught up in the water jutsu also. The technique was too wide to dodge with speed alone, the best option for Senkou would be to swim with the tide. With the river pulling the technique over the waterfall, it was obvious that Kenshi was trying to drown his opponent and pull him over inside the Valley of the End.

Last edited by Kenshi on Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Music)
Hatake Tane
Hatake Tane
Konoha Chunnin
Konoha Chunnin

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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Guest Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:44 pm

Senkou nodded as he heard a thunk when his shadow made impact. He sighed, it was a sight of defeat. He knew he hadnt hit Kenshi, the human body didnt make noises like that when impaled. It was more of a squish sound he had been waiting for. No the bastard had done what he had done, used the blasted kawarimi jutsu to escape. If only he had used that sooner, then this attack would have landed. Most people used this jutsu in that method, getting away. Senkou liked using it to bring him closer, and thus unleashing such fast attacks they were nearly unavoidable, unless the opponent themselves used it..

Senkous thoughts wavered as he noticed that the fog was beginning to lift slightly and at a constant rate. His shadow tendrils retracted and disappeared back into the sheath on his back, no longer being needed, and every second he held them out, the more chakra he would waste in the process. This certainly was an annoying opponent. Just good enough to piss him off, yet he kept his head level. As it was, he was probably going to have to come back for his clan some other time, for this one was just being a nuisance, sapping his chakra. Konoha would run out of ninja with his ability soon enough though, and when that time came, the Nara would be destroyed. He would then recreate the clan with a new name and a more powerful reputation.

The mist continued to lift, the surroundings becoming clearer and the sun showing its face once again. However, a looming shadow still made its presence known. Slowly Senkou turned his head to the left and saw a giant wave rushing towards him, Kenshi undoubtedly on the other side or with in the wave itself. He turnd to face the looming monster of water. Already he formulated a plot to make this work in his favor, but there was one piece of the puzzle missing.

Looking over his shoulder he took note of the 100 yards between him and the water fall. That was enough room.

Undoubtedly he means to send me sailing to my death below, well thats not about to happen. I could use shadow possession thanks to this enormous shadow, but with large shadows come large quantities of chakra to keep it held, and I simply cannot spare that at this point. There is only one thing left to do.

Senkou watied patiently till the foot of the waterfall was at his own feet and began to try and swallow him. It was at this point he began running backwards, keeping a steady pace with the water flow and making handsigns. After the eighth hand sign, he performed his technique, hoping like hell it would be enough.

Fire Release: Mist Covering

As he spoke a cloud of vapor began to flow from his mouth which was pointed down at the water. Flowing steadily downwards, it collided with the bottom of the wave and was instantly sucked up. The flammable liquid continued to flow and as it did, went up the length of the wave. Normally this was one time, quick and easy, just a quick cloud and then ignition, but not this time. Senkou kept the technique going, vapor pouring from his mouth at such a rapid and constant pace that for the first time he felt a slight ebbing on his chakra reserves. He was nearing 60% already, this was not good. He continued to run backwards and avoid being swallowed up by the rushing water. At about 10 meters from the side, the wave began to get top heavy and crash down. Also, the rapids kicked in and began tugging at his hold, trying to pull him over the edge. He used his chakra to keep him from going to fast but now was the time.

Making the tiger sign with his hand, a spark erupted from his forefinger and colided with the wave, infused with all the vapor which had poured from his mouth. It had circulated throughly now and most of the wave contained a portion of it. Due to the nature it was spontaneous. As the spark hit, the explosion erupted in a burst of flame and smoke and traveled outwards in a semicircle fashion, tearing away at the water, and forcing the wave to collapse even more.

The shock wave from the explosion and th downpour of water was enough to break Senkous hold on the river top and sent him sailing over the edge of the water fall, suspended in the air 5 meters out of reach of the rocky surfaces. He had to act fast or it was down below and a crushing death for him, but of course, since he had been the one to cause his sudden flying lesson, he certainly had a plan.

His left hand reached over to his right and gripped the bandage, yanking on it sharply, unraveling it and letting it fall, revealing the seal across his forearm. Senkou activated it and A single wired kunai came forth from it which he grabbed with his right hand and threw at the First Hokages head. The Kunai stuck as the wire slid through his fingers. Clenching his fist, the wire became taught, and he pulled back hard on it. The kunai became dislodged and fell to the water basin below, but it was enough to propel Senkou back towards the original battle ground, landing on the Senju's head in a crouch.

That had been close, but he had managed, he looked slightly beaten from the explosion, but nothing even close to a serious nature. He was a shinobi and a few marks werent going to make him incapable. He still had a little over sixty percent of his chakra left and had plenty more in him to work with. That last attack had taken right around ten percent of his chakra to use, considering how much of it he had put into it. But he guessed with those fireballs and the large amount of water, plus manipulating the mist like that, well his opponent was probably worse off than him in this department. He couldnt be for sure, but he had a good feeling. Now he had to find him again. Then again, the opponent would come after him, considering he was the threat to the entire Leaf Village.

With this in mind, Senkou sat in a Sei Za and scanned for his opponent, regulating his breathing and allowing a few inklings of chkara to come back to him. It wasnt much, but every ounce of chakra was precious in shadow jutsu. A split second could determine the difference between a successful attack and a wasted one.

Name: Fire Release: Mist Covering
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fire
Description: After performing the necessary hand seals, the user is able to create and blow a flammable gas from their lungs. Once it comes in contact with fire or sparks, the gas ignites into a large fireball

Name of Jutsu: Lightning Blade Creation
Rank: B
Range: -
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity:none
Description: This is a kind of "ninja tool summon" that, by sealing ninja tools like swords or kunai into, for instance, a scroll or one's clothes beforehand, allows them to be called upon when needed. The greatest advantage of this technique is that the time between "taking out" a ninja tool, taking the right "stance" and actually "throwing" it is greatly reduced.
The ninja tools are thrown with the actual speed of a "flash of lightning," ruining the opponent's outset of the battle, and snatching away the initiative. Furthermore, because the summonable ninja tools can remain hidden until right before they are used, if this technique is mastered, there are an exceptional number of possible tactics


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The shadows cross the demons Empty Re: The shadows cross the demons

Post by Hatake Tane Thu Oct 15, 2009 1:29 pm

The type of techniques that his opponent were pulling were astounding. Being inside of his own water, Kenshi hadn't thought of a clear way out of the technique if his water were to come under harms way. However his Sharingan eyes allowed him to keep a good eye on what was to come and what he should expect. Both of the three tomoe eyes were surprised when a pressure floored across and past him, even so much as to kick the waterfall's pace up a bit. The strange chakra that had entered the water was now turning into explosions, creating hell for Kenshi, which was ironically under water. The jutsu use he'd been pulling off would not help much and Kenshi didn't have much time to think. He would be a bit sore after this technique, but it was his only hope of getting out alive.

The timing would have to be perfect, there would be no way he could miss it. Mentally forcing himself to focus on the waterfall coming ahead, Kenshi ignored the blast as he put his hands into a hybrid tiger handsign, with his middle fingers wrapped around his index fingers. Moving straight into the next jutsu which didn't require handsigns at all, Kenshi waited till the near edge of the waterfall to being his way out of the attack. The boiling water began to nip at the base of his feet, taking his nin-boot with him and slightly heating up his barefoot. He couldn't wait any longer. A long hand reached out from his mouth, grabbing out to one of the many spikes near Uchiha Madara's head. The hand then curled around one of them grasping on as the jutsu was released. A new body emerged from the mouth of the one in the water, headed straight towards Madara's head. The left over skin was a signal to Kenshi that his opponent wasn't playing around, not for one second.

Kenshi stood on the head of Madara and looked directly at his opponent whom was sitting not to far from him. For a second he'd lost his cool and got pissed off. "Fuck you". Like a cat doused in water, Kenshi stood there completely shirtless, wearing nothing but a set of high-ankle cut jounin pants, one nin boot on his right foot and his sword and weapon still hanging to his back. The fiery like image of his cheap transformation curse seal took effect as his body transformed. His hair grew paler until it reached an elderly white, while his skin darkened to a horrible gray as if tainted by disease. For an S Ranked shinobi, he was looking pretty comical. He was still Kenshi nonetheless and a Uchiha first. Standing on his own likeness he waited for his opponent to move as he spent the time to recuperate.

He sat down as if he were to give up, still rising his guard higher and higher. They would both wait.
Hatake Tane
Hatake Tane
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