Mura of Shinobi
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Shredding punch v.s. lightning fist

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Shredding punch v.s. lightning fist Empty Shredding punch v.s. lightning fist

Post by Shikaku Senken Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:09 am

Shikaku was walking alone along the boundaries of the village, he had been walking for a while and decided to sit on a fallen tree for a while. The day had been extremely monotonous his mother had had him working on the house all day hovering, cleaning just your standard household stuff. He had decided to go for a walk after he had finished as per usual he slid a pack of smokes out of his pocket took one and lit it. Ahhhh I've wanted one of these all day he took a long drag and blew the smoke out towards the sky staring at the clouds as he did so. He had recently read about a Ninja that had been envious of clouds, but he had had become bored and had put the book down.

He now stared at the clouds I wonder what it would be like to just to float on the breeze and go as I wished. He looked around when he thought he heard a noise from behind him within the tree-line Shikaku wasn't usually a jumpy person but today he had a bad feeling. He could sense trouble in the air just in case he pulled two kunai out of his storage pouch and slid them under his vest. He stood and started to walk into the woods this was a area he knew relatively well, he climbed the nearest tree and sat on a branch near the top. Well if something gonna happen I'd rather see it coming he looked out over the tree tops waiting.
Shikaku Senken
Shikaku Senken
Konoha Genin
Konoha Genin

Posts : 19
Join date : 2010-02-12
Age : 35
Location : Hidden in the billowing clouds of death

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